            Cheat Codes For Championship Manager

Championship Manager 2

Exit without saving
You could not exit without saving until now. If you press asterix (*) on the numeric pad the game will exit safely, thus giving you another chance to win that all important game!

Fast Games
Bored of waiting? Only have a limited amount of time to play? Well, here's how to speed up your game. Press the space bar at any time during the game, as long as there isn't any commentary on the screen at the time. You will need to do this at the start of the second half as well.

Free Players
For free players, you put in a bid for the player you want, and put it high enough so the club automatically accepts the offer. Now go to the ADJUST OFFER screen, change the offer to 0 and press CANCEL. The player you selected will be yours for nothing.

Manage International teams
To do this code you need to know the managers of various international teams. Go to add more managers and click on a home international team. Enter your name as the manager of any team, for example Glenn Hoddle for England, or Craig Brown for Scotland.

Play as England
To access the English team, enter your name as "Terry Venables".

                                          Championship Manager 3

Free Players( It only works in ur own league):
First, go to the club of the player you want to buy and take control( e.g.. Owen of Liverpool .Then, click that player you want to buy and click action. Click 'release on a fee' and accept it.
Then, retire Liverpool and click continue game. You'll see on the news that said Owen has been release on a free transfer.Finally ,buy Owen! what else?

Free Transfers For Every Team:
1. Go to the player you want to buy e.g. Michael Owen
2. Bid NO Fee
3. Add another manager
4. Chose a team
5. Bid for Michael Owen (NO Fee)
7. Click on the Arrow in the top left hand corner of the
screen and select the original team.
8. Now go to "ACCEPT"
9. Withdraw the transfer offer from the 2nd team
10. The transfer will now be complete if the player and team
can agree personal terms

International Teams:
Enter Terry Enables as a name to become an international manager.Enter Glenn Hoddle to manage England to manage Portugal type Artur Jorge, to manage Italy type Arrigo Sacchi, to choose Spain write Javier Clemente

Free Players:
Click on the player you want to bye.Bid 20million for them. Change the bid to 0 and click on cancel offer and if the player can agree personal terms you will get them on a free transfer.

Hint for goals:
Make your striker mark the opposition's keeper. It is quite effective, and the striker will score a lot of goals.

International Manager:
To manage an International Team just click on a team with a player of the desired nationality on
their books and click where it says 'English' for example. Low and be hold you can now play as an international Manager.

Manage England:
Select any team at the selection screen. Click on an English player on the team squad screen, then click on "English". You should now be in control of the England team.

Good Players:
Sign these players because either straight away or in the near future they will be 1 of your top signings.:
Vance Warner
David Woozley
Dean Chandler
Malcom Christie
Carl Laurie

Easy wins
First chose the team you are playing against (has to be in the nation you selected earlier) Then take control of that team as another manager. During the game move all the players from the team you want to lose up to attack then your players should have no problem scoring

Free Players
For example, you are now manager of Chelsea. Go to Game Options and click on the add manager. Choose another club, for example, Tottenham. Then, take control of the club.
After that, go to the change player section and go to the Chelsea manager. Then, choose a player you want, for example, Dani Garcia of Mallorca. Go to approach buy and offer $0. Submit the offer. Then, change to the other manager and offer to buy the player at the player's price and submit. After that, click on the change transfer bid. Then, you'll see a box with an arrow in it on the top left hand corner. Click on it and click Chelsea. You can see Chelsea's offer there. Accept the offer and lo and behold, Mallorca would let Chelsea offer Dani a contract. Players can reject the contract if their demands are not matched. Withdraw Tottenham's offer.

Unlimited Money
Enter your manager name as Jimmy Rules and you will be able to buy all the players you want

                                     Championship Manager 97/98

To Edit Players
Go to editor, open the database 'Players,' click 'Edit Database' and enter players. Click on him and you can then put all his ratings up to 20. When you have done this you then Start a new
game and the player will be a top class footballer. You can also create new players.
You can also change the team and management data. Open 'Tmdata' or 'Mgdata' and edit it. You can give a team loads of money by going to CASH and typing up to 50,000 (this will
change to 50 million.)

Press the Asterisk (*) key to quit without saving your game. This is useful to go back to a saved point after bad results.

Become an international manager
Go to manger info, Add more managers. Select the country, and when asked to type in mangers name type in the real coach's name. Example: for England enter 'Glenn Hoddle' and for Holland enter 'Guus Hiddink'

                             Championship Manager Season 99\2ooo

Free player:
Make a bid for the player with a cash price, and no exchanges or money after appearances. Once the bid is accepted, click on the player's name at the contract stage. Then, go to transfers, click on your bid, and withdraw it. Immediately make a fresh bid for £0 and offer it. Then, press "Back" to return to the contract stage. Offer a contract as normal and if the player accepts it, you will get him at no cost.

For example, to get Ronaldo free add manager as Inter Milan. Release Ronaldo on a free transfer and retire from the club before they cancel the transfer. Go another club and sign him for free.

Manage any international team:
Go to "Add Manager". Edit your name, then go to any squad. Click on a player, then click on their nationality (e.g. Ryan Giggs - Welsh). This give you the national squad. Go to the top right hand corner, click on "Take Control", then click "Yes".

To get more money:
Be spurs for instance (class)then add manager Man u because they have over 44m to spend then go to the Tottenham squad then put in a 15m bid in for ferdinand for instance or as much money as you want but be carefull because if you put too much the board won't allow it and it wont go through and if Ferdinand exepts the contract offer then you already have 15m in your wallet.

Extra money:
Go Arsenal, buy Robert Pires for £17.5M. After getting him, go to find player, type "Pires", and Robert Pires with a different club and only worth £75,000 will appear. Buy him and Man Utd will place a bid for the more expensive Robert Pires at a price of £23M. Accept and Pires will go to Man Utd, but leave you with a profit and the other Pires.

Guaranteed Win:
Check your fixtures and add the manager of the team that you play next. Enter their tactics and put every player on the wings (including keeper). You should score at least 30 goals.

                       Championship Manager Season 2000/2001

Easy victory:
Simply take over the opposition's team. Play all the players on the wing, which results in your team getting a big win.

Buy FGN players that have European Passports:
In the player and staff search screen, click on "Player Search". Then, specify "EU National" under
filters. While you are in there type in, after the "Text" filter, a country or continent outside the EU.
This will allow you buy to foreign players that have EU passports such as Alexander Mostovoi (who is Russian/Portuguese).

Opponent has no players:
Choose a rival team that you do not like. Add manager, then free transfer all their players. Instead of clicking "Continue", retire immediately. None of the free transfers will be blocked, leaving them with no players.

Player to buy:
Raul Diaz Arce of DC United

Become national coach:
Select country you want to be on the Select League page, then make yourself that nationality. When it comes up with all the clubs you can choose from, click on the bit which has the nation of the club, then go to the top right side of the screen and Take Control.

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