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Cheat Code For Mech Warrior Series
MechWarrior 2: The Titanium Trilogy
Cheat Mode:
Hold [Ctrl] + [Alt] + [Shift] and type one of the
following codes to activate the corresponding
cheat function.
Result Code
Toggle invincibility - su
Toggle unlimited ammo - is
Toggle heat tracking - oo
Nuke current target - it
Mission skip - li
Jump jets - in
Unlimited jump jet fuel - cr
Unlimited ammo - is
Destroy targeted mech - re
Free camera mode - be
Leading reticle - wa
Auto group weapons1 - fl
1. Do not enable this code followed by any code that starts
with "i", since it will be misinterpreted by the CPU as the
level skip code.
Stealth kills:
If an enemy mech is on the other side of a wall, ram into the
wall and zoom in. You will be able to see and shoot through
the wall. Note: This trick works with mountains and other walls
that can not be destroyed.
MechWarrior 2
To enter these, hold Alt + Ctrl + Shift
and type the code phrase.
Code Effect
BLORB Invulnerability
CIA Unlimited Ammo
COLDMISER Heat Tracking
MIGHTYMOUSE Unlimited Jump Jet Fuel
ENOLAGAY Nuclear Blast
HANGAROUND Display Mission Time
GANKEM Targeted Enemy Destroyed
DORCS Display Credits
IDKFA End mission in failure
MEEPMEEP Time compression key on
UNMEEPMEEP Time compression key off
ANTIJOLT Time expansion on/off
FLASHYFLASHY Auto grouping on/off
WALKTHISWAY Leading reticle on/off
ZMAK Extra Time
TLOFRONT Rear-view camera becomes a front camera
MICHELIN See the bouncing spheres on debris and mech parts
X-RAY X-ray vision (you can see through walls and mountains)
TINKERBELL Free-floating external cameras
Game Tip
Pick the 60 toner and go to the customization
screen. Strip away the large lasers and replace
them with medium ones. Now go over to the LRM-20s
and jack the ammo up to 3 tons each (18 shots total).
For some reason, unlike Battletech, Mechwarrior assumes
that ALL Clan missiles are "Streaks" - in other words, your
LRMs are guided just like SRMs.
When you attack, simply make your approach real slow,
get a lock with 2x LRM20s, and hit them from a mile away.
90% of the time they'll go down in one salvo, an Atlas may
take two (maybe). With 18 salvos at your disposal, you should
be able to finish off every enemy in the mission without ever
even warming up those medium lasers.
Bonus Mechs
In the Trials of Grievance, enter your name (and/or your
starmates' names) in Star Config as one of the following.
Enzo to gain the Battlemaster 'mechCalvin to gain the Elemental 'mech
Unfortunately, due to a programming slip-up, if you try to play as
the Battlemaster the game will crash.
Level Select
To access all levels type in at the sibko identification
screen: FREEBIRTHTOAD, then go to the ready room.
All levels are either colors or names. The colors are regular
missions and the names are the Trials For Position.
Mechwarrior 2: 31st Century Combat
Cheat mode:
Hold [Ctrl] + [Alt] + [Shift] and type one of the
following codes during game play to activate the
corresponding general cheat function.
Effect Code
Toggle invulnerability - blorb
Toggle unlimited ammo - cia
Toggle heat tracking - coldmiser
Toggle mission time-limit - hangaround
Add jumpjets - flygirl
Toggle infinite Jumpjet power - mightymouse
Destroy targeted mech - gankem
Explode an atomic bomb - enolagay
Toggle bounding spheres - michelin
View MW2 Sim Programmer Dorcs web pages - dorcs
End mission successfully - icanthackit
End mission as a failure - idkfa
Toggles time expansion - zmak or antijolt
Time compression key enabled - meepmeep
Time compression key disabled - unmeepmeep
Toggles mini-front-view instead of mini-rear-view - front or tlofront
Display strange message - dei
Toggle Auto-grouping - flashyflashy
Toggle leading reticle - walkthisway
Display Dorcs screen - wediditagain
Note: The "Toggle leading recticle" code forces
enemies to follow the targeting crosshairs towards
your mech.
X-ray imaging:
Hold [Ctrl] + [Alt] + [Shift] and type xray.
Press W to disable this mode.
Free-floating camera:
Hold [Ctrl] + [Alt] + [Shift] and type tinkerbell.
Press the following keys to control the camera.
Press [Ctrl] + [Left Arrow] to turn left
Press [Ctrl] + [Right Arrow] to turn right
Press [Ctrl] + [Up Arrow] to increase altitude
Press [Ctrl] + [Down Arrow] to decrease altitude
Press Z to move forward
Press [Shift] + Z to move backwards
Press C to return to normal.
Hold [Ctrl] + [Alt] + [Shift] and type one of the
following codes for the corresponding message.
Type lairdo for "ATTENTION ENEMIES: Don't mess with
the blimp."
Type shit or fuck for "Freebirth vulgarity will not
be tolerated!"
Hidden Mechs:
Select a Trials of Grievance instant action mission.
Changing your name in the Star configuration screen
to Calvin (case sensitive) to add the Elemental
between Dire Wolf and Fire Moth. Change your name
to Hobbes (case sensitive) to add the Tarantula
between Elemental and Fire Moth. Change your name
to Enzo (case sensitive) to adds the Battlemaster
IIC between Tarantula and Fire Moth (latest version
patch required).
Mission select:
Enter FREEBIRTHTOAD as a Warrior name in any of the
clan halls. Any mission for that Clan may be selected
in the briefing room.
Hidden background information:
Select the holo-projector to get a list of background
information on the game. Click on the numbers to the
left until a menu with information on the development
team appears.
Hint: Hide in a building or mountain:
To hide in a building or mountain, jump jet forward
then shut down before hitting the wall.
Note: You must continue to hold the jump jet
forward key after shutdown.
Hint: Ghost weapons:
Customize a mech so the weapons onboard in an online
game to look like the following:
ER-Laser ER-Laser
Mgun LRM-5
The first LRM-5 will be duplicated between the
second LRM-5, and take up no mass or critical.
It will be invisible, but will do damage when
fired and create heat. Note: You have to be in
"chain fire" mode. The weapons can be changed,
but the number of weapons must be uneven and the
last weapon must be on the right side of your mech.
Hint: Ghost ammunition:
Place your ammunition in the arms of a mech in an
online game. If your arms explode before that
ammunition is depleted, there's a 75% chance that
that it will become unlimited "ghost ammo".
Hint: Stealth kills:
If an enemy mech is on the other side of a wall,
ram into the wall and zoom in. You will be able
to see and shoot through the wall. Note: This trick
works with mountains and other walls that can not
be destroyed
MechWarrior 2: Battlepack
While playing a game, hold [Ctrl] + [Alt] + [Shift]
and type one of the following codes to
activate the corresponding general cheat function:
Result - Code:
Invincibility - su
Infinite ammo - is
Level skip - li
Jumpjets - in
Infinite jumpjet fuel - cr
Destroy targeted mech - re
Disable heat tracking - oo
MechWarrior 2: Ghost Bear's Legacy
hold alt+ctrl+shift and type
thundros - unlimmited ammo.
palex - destroy targeted mech.
kent - makes you invulnerable.
clark - gives you X-ray vision.
kaboom - blows up your enemies and blows you up, too,
if you dont have the invulnerability code on.
MechWarrior 2: Mercenaries
To enter these codes, hold Ctrl-Alt-Shift
while playing then type any of the phrases below:
superfunkicalifragisexy - Invincibility
superfragicali - Auto wins mission successfully
iseenfireandiseenrain - Unlimited Ammo
ooohhhlllaaalllaaa - Heat tracking
redjackandtikrules - Makes targeted enemy self destruct
crazysexycool - Infinite jumpjets
inmybeautifulballoon - Adds jump jets
likethecomstarbaby - Automatically succeed in mission
ontimeeverytime - Time compression key enabled
antijolt - Time expansion enabled
bubbleboy - Bounding spheres
beholdmyglory - Imfree-eye mode on
undflashyflashy - AutoGrouping enabled (makes all weapons
fire from the first trigger)
walkthisway - Leading Recticle enabled (makes enemies
follow your targeting crosshairs towards you)
wediditagain - Display Credits
Bonus Mission
When on merc commander, fail the second mission against
the Dread Legion. You will now receive another mission.
On this one you get a crate of highly advanced weapons
and 5 million c-bills.
MechWarrior 3
Disable Heat Death
To disable heat death (not exploding when you overheat)
do the following. Take a mech that overheats by shuting
down or explodes when perfoming an alpha strike.
As soon as you do the alpha strike, quickly use your
coolant by pressing the F key. You should recieve a
message that says, "Heat death disabled."
Easier Salvage
To salvage enemy mechs easier all you have to do is to
shoot off one of the enemy mech's legs. An easy way to
do this a group a lot of medium pulse lasers together
and fire them at one leg. NOTE: This trick doesn't always
work, but it does increase your chances for salvage.
Video Select
To view any of the videos from Mech Warrior 3, open
"My Computer". Then right-click on the Mech Warrior 3 CD,
then click on open. Then go into the video folder.
Just double click on the video you wish to view.
Easy salvage:
Blow the legs off a mech, rather then the torso.
Or, better yet, use a head shot.
Easy head shots:
Salvage a "Clan Targeting Computer" and equip it
on your mech. Then target a mech's head and fire
a large pulse for a one hit head shot kill.
Easy kills:
Blow off one leg of a mech. Since a mechs legs are
much weaker then the torso, it makes killing enemy
mechs much easier.
Temperature Management:
Overheating is more of an issue than in any previous
MechWarrior games. When you modify your loadouts, don't
add more energy weapons than you can cool effectively.
Those machine guns don't look like much, but they can
keep tearing at an enemy while you cool down from that
laser volley you just fired.
When battling enemy heavy mechs, send in whatever lance
mates you have first while you concentrate heavy fire on
the enemy mechs' legs. Use the zoom feature for those
accurate long-range attacks.
Don't think that an assault mech automically means you have
the cat by the tail. Even the heaviest mech can have its
legs or chest torn out by a couple of well-placed AC/20
shots. Keep moving and use cover.
Heat is more of an enemy than in any previous MechWarrior
game. When you modify your loadouts, don't add more energy
weapons than you can cool effectively. Those machine guns
don't look like much, but they can keep tearing at an enemy
while you cool down from that laser volley you just fired.
When battling enemy heavy mechs, send in whatever lance
mates you have first while you concentrate heavy fire on
the enemy mechs' legs. Use the zoom feature for those
accurate long-range attacks.
MechWarrior 4: Vengeance
Press and hold CONTROL-ALT-SHIFT.
Code Result
IY - Invulnerability
UO - Unlimited Ammo
IB - Destroy Enemy Mech
ML - Finish mission with success
Get a good joystick with a twist function. It's no
surprise that Microsoft's SideWinder family of sticks
fits the bill perfectly. Though you can play with the
keyboard, you'll be at an instant disadvantage to someone
who has a twisty stick.
Go for the legs. Yes, they're harder to hit, but they're
less armored than the main body. Plus, if you can shoot
the legs out from under a mech, odds are you'll be able
to salvage the chassis at the end of the mission.
Be aware of the environment when you outfit your mechs.
Avoid weapons that generate too much heat when you're
battling in the desert, or else you'll find yourself
shutting down after every other shot to cool down.
Learn the Circle of Death maneuver, or die. If you stand
still in this game, you'll get hammered. Be careful, though.
Sometimes you can circle around an opponent too far so that
you're in range of his guns. Always try to stay behind a
mech; it can't shoot you from there. |